Thursday, January 16, 2014

Day 50: 4.0 miles

4.0 miles. 40:57. 10:14 pace.

I made a decision today. Well, a tentative one anyway. I'm going to start training for the Get Lucky half marathon on March 15. I have 8 weeks. I should be able to run this one faster than my current PR of 2:12:13 (from last June... Kinda only did about 1/2 to 3/4 of the training and ran the race at a conservative pace) but I think my main goal of breaking 2 hours this year would be just slightly out of reach for this race. 

I think it'd be possible if all conditions were perfect.

Karl and I were thinking 2:05 would be a more realistic goal.

I wrote out the training plan including speed workouts and tempo runs onto the paper copy of my training log (I have my runs recorded in three places: here on the blog, my runmeter app, and a blank calendar). I will start serious speed work next Tuesday.

Upcoming run schedule: 
Today (Thursday): 4 miles easy pace (10:00-11:00)
Friday: 5 miles easy pace
Saturday: 4 miles easy pace
Sunday: 6 miles easy pace

I have until a few days before the race to register, so I'm going to see how the next couple of weeks go with a major increase in mileage, as well as a busier workload at the office. 

Looking ahead to the next week... I've got a seven mile run on Tuesday for my speed work day. One mile warm up and then 12x400 with a 400m recovery. Unless my math is wrong, that's 7 miles...not including a cool down. Yikes. I've never done intervals like this before. I'm going to try to do my speed work at 8 mph (7:30 pace). 

When the workout is complete I'll have run a total of 3 miles (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) at the super speedy pace. 

Then, on Thursday (as in, a week from today....yikes), there is a tempo run (race pace) of five miles (plus warm up). Holy shiz. 5 miles at a 9:00-9:09 pace!? (Since my "A" goal is sub-2:00, I'm going to set my paces for that. I may drop down to my "B" goal (2:05) with something like a 9:30 pace if I find the "A" goal too lofty for me at this point.)

Better eat my Wheaties that day.

Knowing what I know about the mind/body connection, I'm trying not to psych myself out due to fear. I'm confident in my ability and I'm ready to work.