Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Day 48: 5.0 miles

5.0 miles. 50:10. 10:02 pace

Ps... I sometimes wear a jacket on the treadmill until I warm up. It's typically off before the first mile is up. It's just so dern cold in the basement.

I really need to stop skipping on the blog write up before bed. I thought that if I waited until the next day I'd be "wordier" and my post would be more interesting to read.

Who really actually reads running log posts anyway? 

We just want to see the stats and maybe a few creative/interesting pictures from their run (if it was outside).

Sometimes we like seeing the gear worn or used on the run via a picture of the runner or more likely, a selfie. 

Well, I kinda suck at taking pictures with my iPhone.

I did locate a nice kodak 14 megapixel camera that my daughter got for Christmas a few years ago. I'll try using that for the next post.

I suck at using my Canon Rebel DSLR. What the crap does ISO and aperture mean anyway? RAW?? Pffffft. I can't take selfies with this beast without feeling like even more of a tard than I already do. Evidence that I did try it once:

As I see that pic (from about a week ago) uploaded... I really should just delete the blogger app on the iPhone. It makes even my decent pictures look blurry and crappy. 

So yea anyway... My five miler. Was pretty uneventful. About a minute after I hit stop I was pretty tempted to go for another mile. But I didn't. I restrained myself. Go me.

Today (Weds), is supposed to be a "rest" day. I do feel pretty good and would like to run longer than 1 mile but I have to keep from running myself into the ground. 

I know you are sitting at the edge of your seat waiting to see what I'm going to do...

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