{ about me }

Hey there!

Welcome to my itsy bitsy corner of the blogiverse.  Yup, I like to make up my own words.  Who am I?  Well... I am the streaker on this here blog.  Don't be disappointed that I run with my clothes on.  I'm not that kind of streaker!

My name is Tara and I live in northern Minnesota with Karl, four kids, a dog, and a cat. 

Photo credit: Brother David

One child is missing from the above photo: Mister Max.  He was hot and grumpy and was off to the right trying to chop down a tree with a stick. That's me in the black, the obnoxiously tall dude is Karl, and the other three are my mini-me's.  Callie (age 12) is in the pink, and her twin sister Taylor (obviously also age 12) is in the purple.  Miss Mercedes (age 3) is the pretty little thing in white.  This was taken last September at Karl's brother's wedding.

Here's Max.  He's 5. He loves weddings because he loves to dance.  He would give Justin Timberlake a run for his money.  This kid's got some moves!

This is my tall guy and me.  He was crouching down and I was wearing heels.  There is a foot difference in height between us.  I'm almost 5'4".... so that makes him.... really tall.

So now you're able to put a face to the cast of characters on my little blog here. 

Little bit more about me:

I'm a whopping 30 years old.  I started running in 2012 when I decided that running a half marathon sounded like a fun thing to do.  I'm terribly optimistic when it comes to things that I think I can do.  I think this is a good thing. 

Even though I have had my fair share of injuries, I completely fell in love with running.  I've only done 3 timed races in my "career" and am excited to focus more on doing races this year.  Since I'm 30 now, I'm hoping to run my first full marathon in October, because that's what you do when you turn 30, right?  My ultimate ultimate goal is to one day run the Western States 100.  Maybe when I'm 40?

Additionally, I love power tools and building furniture.  In fact, everyone in my house has slept on a bed made by me.  I love DIY-ing and making things pretty with paint.  I knit sweaters and socks and love to read historical fiction.

I am a girl with a lot of hobbies!

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